Friday, August 16, 2013


I thought I would write a quick post about a frustrating experience I had this week. At the beginning of the week, I was feeling really good about myself. I'd worked out every day except for Sundays for the past few weeks and I was pretty proud of that. I kept thinking about being able to post about working out 6 times per week for a month... and then two months... and then three months. 

Feeling good after a workout earlier this week
Then Tuesday night came. I had to wake up to feed Eve at 5:00 am and started to feel really sick. Pretty soon I was throwing up (sorry, TMI). Maybe I had a stomach bug or some wood stain fumes affected me strangely. Anyway, I felt pretty awful all of Wednesday so I couldn't work out. I wanted to so badly but I knew that I couldn't and shouldn't. It was so frustrating though. The month achievement I'd been working toward went out the window. 

In the past when this sort of thing has happened to me, it's led me to quit working toward my goal. This is pretty much the story for every new years resolution I've ever set. I do really well for a couple of weeks and then miss a day so I feel discouraged and give up. I didn't want to let that happen this time though. I've been working so hard and I'm starting to see some serious results. Yes, I've been losing weight but the more important difference is in my fitness. When I decided to start running I couldn't even run a lap of the park near our house. Now I can do that and more and it's only been about 3 weeks. My weight hasn't really dropped so far this week which would be discouraging but I still feel motivated because of the improvements in my cardio. 

I saw this image on Pinterest and thought it applied perfectly to this sort of situation. This is a great thing to keep in mind whenever you slip up, whether it's exercising, dieting, or working on any other goal.

Source here
I always want to be perfect but I need to come to terms with the fact that this isn't always possible. It wasn't my fault that I was sick and it's no reason to give up. So even though I feel frustrated and a little disappointed, I'm going to keep working hard. Health and fitness is too important to give up on easily.

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